Correctness, efficiency, and elegance are core concerns in software engineering. They are often seen together—or not at all.
Research project funding
- DIGITAL TWIN (Integration of Data-drIven and model-based enGIneering in fuTure industriAL Technology With value chaIn optimizatioN), funded by NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)’s TTW (Applied and Engineering Sciences) division, 2020-2025. I co-authored and am involved in project 3, on Methodology and Tool Support for Effective Digital Twinning.
- ArrowHead Tools, funded by the EU Horizon 2020 ECSEL Joint Undertaking, 2019–2021. For the project’s use cases with Philips Healthcare and with ASML, I contributed to the proposal and was involved in the research.
- i-CAVE (integrated Cooperative Automated VEhicles), funded by NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)’s TTW (Applied and Engineering Sciences) division, 2015–2020. Iwas involved as a researcher in i-CAVE’s project 6, on (Software) Architecture and Functional Safety, and as co-supervisor of a PhD candidate.
- SaSy and DaPPR: Sequences and Syntax, Distributed & Parallel Pattern Recognition, funded by NRF (South Africa’s National Research Foundation)’s Competitive Programme for Rated Researchers, 2017–2019. Co-applicant and main contributor to the proposal and involved in the research.